Lag Shot vs. Orange Whip vs. G Force – What’s The Most Effective Option?
Swing and practice aids can often be the wild west in the golfing world.
There are some absolutely brilliant aids out there but there are also some howlers. It is very hard as a golfer to work out what aid can help you most.
One good idea is to observe what training aids the world’s best golfers are using. What funky contraptions are being used on the range at tour events and why do these players love them. If you want 2023 to be your best season yet, read on to get something to give you that extra help.
Introduction To Swing Training Aids
As long as I’ve played golf (nearly three decades), there have been swing aids on the market.
I remember seeing infomercials as I watched tour golf where Americans were proclaiming that this weird device had “revolutionized my golf game” and brought them out of despair.
Some swing training aids can fill entire rooms whilst others are tiny little devices with everything in between. The whole idea is that they exist to guide you into swinging better. They either do this by physically guiding your swing or by giving you small feel reminders.
Lagshot Overview
Lagshot has been taking social media by storm and is standing out due to the striking blue shaft design.
Holding this club is an odd experience, the shaft is “wobbly” and it seems that it would be impossible to hit a ball with it, that’s exactly what you’re supposed to think.
This club has been built to ensure you swing the club with good tempo and rhythm. That “wobbly” shaft ensures that if you don’t swing it correctly, you will miss the ball as the club won’t work. It’s a very simple but effective way to learn.
Does It Really Work?
The short answer is yes.
Even the folks at the independent review site MyGolfSpy said so. This really is a very simple training aid and in that lies the absolute beauty of it as a product. It looks like a golf club and as long as you swing it with good technique then it will act as one.
Lagshot will help you create more power in your swing with less effort by helping you build your sequence and create lag, hence the name. If you’re out of rhythm then it will give you instance feedback and get all of your muscles coordinating nicely to deliver the club efficiently.
Orange Whip Overview
The Orange Whip was a bit of a blockbuster when it first launched and continues to be a very successful training aid.
Actually, this aid could be seen in the bags of many tour pros for a while. This is another aid to help you build your rhythm, tempo and swing speed.
Essentially, this heavier than a club aid has a big orange ball on the end of it. The orange is there to provide weight which will help you build timing and balance whilst keeping the club on plane. Like Lagshot, Orange Whip will help your rhythm and tempo most.
Does It Really Work?
Yes, this is a great aid.
Not only can you hear when you are swinging it correctly but you can feel it. There is something brilliant about both methods of feedback that can help you build a repeatable swing. There is a reason that this aid has such a buzz about it.
This aid also comes with an extensive training suite that can take this from just a training aid to an entire swing fitness programme. This is a really fantastic aid that comes in a variety of models depending on what type of golfer you are.
G Force Overview
Similar to Lagshot, G Force is an apparently flimsy golf club. It has the same weight as your normal 7-iron but a very flimsy shaft.
The thing is that when you swing it properly it all connects and works beautifully. You would never know that it isn’t a normal club when you’re hitting it.
When you have swing flaws, particularly on the tempo and rhythm fronts, they will be very visible with G Force. This aid will actually help you build good feelings and hopefully teach you that slow is fast, when it comes to the golf swing.
Does It Really Work?
This is another incredibly successful golf training aid.
There is actually a few models, something that is a great addition to their portfolio. You can buy a specific model for working on your driver, there is the 7-iron which I mentioned and there is a wedge.
This is product is built on a well-established model of creating a club that can only work when swung well is that you get instant feedback. Like the other products above, this aid definitely works and can really help you build effortless power in your golf swing.
Who Should Buy The Lagshot?
The Lagshot really is for anyone who wants to improve their swing tempo and rhythm. I think that this aid is more suited for better players who want to maximise their speed and efficiency during the golf swing. It is a simple product and great for those who spend a lot of time on the range.
Who Should Buy The Orange Whip?
If you don’t go to the range much but like to work on your swing in the garden then this is the training aid for you. Again, it is for better players with established swings who are looking to improve their swing speed and efficiency.
Who Should Buy The G Force?
For golfers who want to work on more specific clubs through the bag then the G Force is the one. Being able to work on your driver, mid-irons or wedges through different models can be really helpful. This really comes into its own in helping you develop speed off the tee.
Any Alternatives To Consider?
There are so many aids out there that sometimes it is best to have a coach recommend something to you.
It all depends on what swing ailments you need to address. I feel like the aids above are all as good as it gets for sorting out rhythm and tempo.
If you have other issues out-with that then speak to your coach about the best aid to help. Never rule out the benefits of a good drill too, an aid may not be needed and a coach will be able to guide you to what is best.
The marketplace for training aids can be a daunting place and it is a bit wild at times.
There is no doubt that there is some gold out there but it is easy to find some terrible products. The three products mentioned here are all excellent and ones that most golfers can benefit from using.
The key thing is that if you invest in any of these products then you need to put the time in. These aren’t silver bullets and they require use through practice in order to improve your game. Put the time in on the range and 2023 could be your best golf season yet!