Are Golf Courses Open In Winter – Can You Play Good Golf In Winter?

As the temperatures drop and the winter fast approaches, a round of golf seems less desirable than in the summer months.

Considering a game of golf in multiple layers, with frosty gale-force winds blowing, appeals to few golfers.

However, in spite of the temperatures, many fanatics will stop at nothing to play a round. A question recently received from an eager newbie was, are golf courses open in winter, and can you play good golf in the cold? In this post, I dive into the topic and teach you all you need to know.

The Low Down

Although most golf courses may only close their doors on days with undesirable weather, layouts in high snowfall area may shut shop for the winter.

This drastic decision is taken when there is a risk of damaging the fairway or greens.

The pressure applied for by your feet or a golf cart wheel to frost covered fairway, can rip into the roots and kill the turf. On these occasions, the greenskeeper makes an executive decision and turns patrons away..

Otherwise, golf courses stay open and aim to maximize green fee revenue and tee times to keep the lights on.

What Influences Whether Courses Will Stay Open Or Close


The location of a golf course determines whether it will need to close at any point during the winter. For example, Southern Florida will seldom close for weather-related reasons in winter but are still prone to frost delays.

Frost tends to dawdle on golf courses built on north-facing slopes, in low-lying areas, or in pockets with the restricted wind. As a result, you may face longer frost delays in these locations.


Golf courses close when the conditions threaten the well-being of players and the golf course. In winter, snow, frost, or a water-logged golf course are reasons why a club may temporarily close its doors.

However, in warmer regions, golf courses may close for the day if there is persistent lightning or heavy rain.

Course Condition

The USGA explains that frost threatens the growth of the turf because the blades become brittle. The constant pressure applied by golfers walking over the grass causes the plant cells to rupture, killing the prized greenery.

It takes approximately a month to repair frost damage, which leaves the area as ground under repair and an eyesore for members and the greenskeeper.

Course Prestige

As several golf courses charge a premium for member or green fees, the players expect a certain quality. If a golf course has suffered frost damage, the affected area looks terrible and is out of action for a month.

This impacts the experience of the visitors and members and diminishes the status of the golf course. This affects future bookings or membership applications.

Do Golf Courses Close In the USA During Winter?

Golf courses are like any other business and need revenue to grow and thrive, which means staying open.

However, golf courses in the north of the Country may close due to inclement weather and endure frost delays. This is due to fewer sunlight hours in those parts, which delays recovery time.

I find that the golf courses may limit your experience in winter, as they aim to protect the dancefloor and the tee boxes. At my home course, they force you to operate off a hitting mat, and the greens are out of bounds in the colder months, prompting a flagstick on the fairway as the target.

Do Golf Courses Close In Europe During Winter?

You can play golf year-round in Southern European countries like Portugal, Spain, and Southern Italy. In other parts of the continent, golf courses will remain open, weather permitting, but may require a hitting mat to prevent damage to the tee box and fairways.

However, in the north of the continent high snowfall and limited daylight in the coldest winter months may force them to close. It seems the Norwegians have worked around this by inventing snow golf.

Do Golf Courses Close In Asia During Winter?

Golf courses in Asia are predominantly open during winter, except in regions with increased snowfall. The immensity of the continent and phenomenal golfing opportunities always leave you with a tee-time option in Asia.

Consider Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, or Indonesia during the winter months.

Do Golf Courses Close In South America During Winter?

Golf courses in South America remain open during winter, depending on the weather.

For example, the Llao Llao golf resort in Patagonia, Argentina, is open year-round, depending on the weather.

I was there earlier in 2022. Even though the temperature was pushing 30 degrees Fahrenheit, there was little snow on the golf course, and tourists took in the experience.

Will Heavy Rain Close A Golf Course?

Yes, when a golf course endures a heavy rain storm, they may close the track if the fairways and greens are waterlogged.

As a youngster, I spent several vacations playing golf on the subtropical East coast of South Africa, which experienced downpours frequently during summer. Within minutes the greens resembled a pond, and the fairways were kin to streams.

It was unplayable, and the greenskeepers would take the executive decision to shut shop for the day while their crew mopped up. Besides the damage to the golf course, the waterlogged fairways caused your ball to stop immediately, and one would often lose sight of it in the water.

Will Lightning Close A Golf Course?

When you hear thunder within 30 seconds of a lightning strike, a siren is sounded at the golf course, and players are ordered to seek immediate shelter. This causes a temporary delay, and players generally return once the storm has passed unless the course is waterlogged.

How About Snow?

Yes, snow will cause a golf course to close. When the snow melts, it irrigates the top layer of the grass, but the frozen soil provides no drainage, and the moisture remains.

The excess pressure placed on the turf by players and golf carts can indent the ground and kill the growth of the blades.

As a result, golf courses may close after a heavy snowfall to give themselves the space to repair the damage and expedite the recovery. If the situation is not dire, these golf courses may restrict the number of players each day.

How Cold Is Too Cold For Golf?

Your cold limit depends on you, as it is vital to be comfortable and enjoy your round. In the mid-2000s, I played a junior tournament in Christchurch, New Zealand, where the chill factor was 23 Fahrenheit during one round.

That is far too cold for me, but I am sure many others can brave it better than I.

How Windy Is Too Windy For Golf

During the same round I mentioned earlier in Christchurch, the gusts pushed 50 miles per hour, and golf balls flew from the right out-of-bounds line to the left without inducing any draw. For me, those conditions are silly to play in. It becomes frustrating and unenjoyable for the average golfer.

Is It Worth Playing Golf During Winter?

Yes, I certainly encourage playing golf during the winter if the weather permits, as it drives momentum for the continuity of your game.

Let’s say you pack the clubs away in winter and only play golf for 4 to 6 months every year. It will be incredibly challenging for your growth as your muscle memory fades away slowly.

You spend all season improving your game, then you stop, and your muscle memory becomes foggy. As a result, you have to start from scratch the next season, and you are never as good as you could be.

Is It Worth Playing In Bad Weather?

I do not dabble in bad weather because I have paid my dues in that department and find it unenjoyable. However, if you are determined to lower your handicap and bad weather is a constant in your area, do it.

In addition, learning how to operate in inclement weather makes you a better golfer and allows you to navigate arduous conditions.

What Clothes Should You Wear Golfing In Winter

I recommend using an undershirt, a heat-regulating polo shirt, a jersey, or a waterproof rain jacket. Furthermore, you require rain gloves for wet weather, water-resistant pants, and waterproof golf shoes for damp conditions.

What Balls Should You Use In Winter

I find the Bridgestone e12 Connect golf ball is an ideal option for the average golfer to use in winter. This is because it boosts friction at impact, prompting increased ball speed and consistent spin.

The mid-compression rated, 3-piece golf ball helps mid and high handicappers generate increased ball speed and a high straight shot. Besides performance, you should consider an easily visible yellow golf ball for winter rounds.


That clears up the question, are golf courses open in winter. We notice that golf courses do their best to remain open all year, but nature has the final say.

Golf courses in high snowfall areas may remain closed for extended periods in winter because they have fewer sunlight hours, which reduces drainage. If the golf course opens in these conditions, the golfer’s and golf cart wheels will implode the roots.

As a result, these golfers will stay closed to expedite the recovery process and prepare the course for favorable weather. However, there are many golf courses in the world where you can play year-round should your home course remain closed indefinitely.