Overlapping Vs. Interlocking Golf Grip – Which Is Best?

The search for the perfect golf grip is one that will likely continue for your entire golfing career. A complete golf grip overhaul is a challenging change to make in your game, but it may be worth it. As a young player, I used an interlocking grip.

When I first learned, it was the best possible way to get my hands to fit on the golf club and have enough strength. As I grew older and improved, it was apparent that the grip had to go to an overlap. The overlap grip allowed much of the grip pressure to release and has been what I have stuck with to this day.

That initial grip change truly made me consider quitting the game of golf. Your hands are the only connection you have with the golf club. If they are not on the golf club correctly or if something feels funny, the whole game will be off. However, all that being said, I’m thrilled I made the change as it was the right choice for me.

Overlap Grip

An overlap golf grip takes the right pinky finger and places it on top of the gap between the index finger and middle finger on the left hand. The overlap grip can sometimes be referred to as the Vardon grip as well.

The overlap grip is usually for people with larger hands and those that need to control their grip pressure a bit. It can feel a bit easier to release the golf club when using an overlapping grip. Some people think that they are less likely to have hand irritation or blisters when using the overlap grip as well.

Some of the pro golfers that have used the overlap grip through the years include Ben Hogan, Phil Mickelson, and Arnold Palmer. It does seem to be the more popular grip on tour, but don’t give up on that interlock just yet.

Interlock Grip

An interlocking grip is where the pinky of your right-hand fits between the index and middle finger of your left hand. This is typically a grip that is used by players with smaller hands to help them feel as though they have control over the golf club. With an interlocking grip, you will feel as though your hands work well together.

Some of the problems with the interlocking grip include the fact that you can end up gripping the club too tightly. Some feel as though the interlocking grip feels funny and creates friction between the fingers.

The thing to remember about the interlocking grip is that both Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods use the interlocking grip. If we were on the interlock team, those are some names we would be happy to have on our side.

What Is The Best Golf Grip Overlap Or Interlock?

This is one of the most significant debates in golf. You will find teaching professionals that swear by the interlocking grip and others that think you are nuts for trying anything to be an overlap. The truth of the matter is that you need to pick a grip that allows your hands to sit neutral on the club.

You need to pick a grip that ensures that you can release the golf club and stay connected throughout your entire swing. Although it is recommended that people with larger hands use the overlap and those with smaller hands use the interlock, there is no way to say that one is better than the other.

What About The Baseball Grips – What Is It And What Are The Benefits

A baseball grip can also be referred to as a ten-finger grip. This is where all ten fingers will sit on the golf club. Most of the time, a ten-finger grip is taught to children to help make the game a bit simpler when they first begin. As a child ages, it is best to transition them away from the ten-finger grip if possible.

The downside to a ten-finger grip for an adult player is that the hands don’t have anything that forces them to work together. When this happens, you can end up with a lot of hand action in a swing; this may cause a player to swat at chip shots or grip the club too tightly overall.

If a senior golfer feels as though their hands are in pain from interlocking or overlapping, it is perfectly acceptable to switch to a ten-finger or baseball grip. Just be sure to watch overall grip pressure.

Can I Switch From One Grip To Another?

If you have been playing your whole life with the interlocking grip and you want to switch the overlap, that is completely fine, however, if you are thinking of switching back and forth between rounds or between seasons, that is a mistake.

You must remember that the grip is your only connection to the golf club. You need to pick something and commit to it. Work on perfecting either the interlock or overlap, but don’t switch back and forth between the two if you can help it.

What Grip Should I Use When Putting?

The three main types of grips when it comes to putters are the reverse overlap, the claw, and the cross-hand. The idea with putting is to get your hands out of it. The more big muscles you can use in your putting stroke, the more consistent your putts are going to be.

The claw has become quite popular in recent years, but for the amateur golfer to indeed perfect, the claw grip can be a bit difficult. The most comfortable grip for the amateur is the reverse overlap.

With the reverse overlap instead of having a finger from the right hand overlapping the left, a finger or a few fingers from the left hand overlap the right. This is a very comfortable putting grip and one that does not take long to learn and establish. This is the most popular way to grip a putter and gives you a great mix of speed with feel.

What If Interlocking Hurts My Pinky?

A common complaint with the interlocking grip is that it can start to hurt or wear on your pinky. This becomes a natural transition into the overlap grip for some people. For others, you may want to try a golf glove, or just easing up on grip pressure. Grip pressure is probably what is leading to the pain in your hands. You do not need to grip the club tightly to hold onto it throughout your swing.

How Do I Know What Is The Best Grip For Me?

Trial and error is the only correct way to know which golf grip will work best for you. If you are a beginner golfer and you have large hands, start with the overlap. If you are a beginner golfer and you have small hands, begin with the interlock. As your game progresses and swing strengths and weaknesses start to develop, you can better decide which grip allows for better shots.

The most important thing when choosing a grip is to find something that allows you to place your hands on the club the same way every time. You do not want to have to fidget with your grip every time you are handed a club. Find something comfortable and effective and stick with it.

If I want to draw the Ball, Should I Interlock Or Overlap?

Since the overlap grip makes it much easier to release a golf club, it is also easier to draw the ball. When you release the golf club, you take the clubface and turn it from open to square to closed. To hit a draw, the clubface is usually turning towards closed.

Since it is easier to get to this release point with the overlap, you should use that if you want to draw the ball continually. Some people who slice or fade the ball find that switching to an overlapping grip has made all the difference in their golf game.

Golf Grip Drills

Practicing your grip can be a bit hard to do. Without the help of a teaching professional, it can be hard to tell if your grip is correct. There are a few drills and aides that can help you perfect your golf grip, especially if you are new to the game.

Use A Yardstick

You can use a yardstick in your hands instead of a golf club and start gripping it just as you would a club. Hold the yardstick so that the top and bottom ends sit in your hand, do not lay it flat. Those top and bottom ends are going to represent the top and bottom of your grip. Because of the way the yardstick fits in your hand and how easy it is to look at a square yardstick compared to a rounded grip, you will find that your brain can accept the grip concept a bit easier. (https://golfgrips-direct.com/articles/grip-drills/golf-club-grip-square-club-face/)

Sklz Golf Grip Trainer Attachment

SKLZ Golf Grip

The training aid will help you put your hands on the club the correct way and keep them there. The first time you slip your hands onto one of these attachments, you may be quite surprised at how different it looks and feels. This is a good sign that you have some grip work to do.

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There is no right or wrong answer when deciding between the overlapping and interlocking golf grips. The only thing that every golf professional will tell you is that the grip is essential to your success in the game of golf. If you do not perfect the grip, you cannot move on to swing mechanics and other more fun things. Golf professionals and touring professionals continually check their grip, stance, and set up to make sure that they are fully prepared for every swing. Amateurs should be doing the same.